Our Story

Bear Trail Beef is owned and operated by Jordan Winters, his wife Hannah and their 3 children. Jordan with his love of the outdoors, getting dirty, and working the land, apprenticed with Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms in 2006. Jordan than returned to the wintery climate of NY where he experimented with raising pastured beef, pigs, and chickens as well as managing a grassfed dairy farm for Maple Hill Creamery and for a short time, a raw milk herdshare dairy farm in Virginia.
Hannah grew up on a small family homestead in Minnesota, milking cows and goats, along with raising sheep, chickens, and ducks for the family. Growing up on the family farm cultivated Hannah's love for the animals, wide open nature, quiet outdoors, and healthy food grown close to home.
We got married and settled on a small 50 acre farm in the Mohawk Valley region of upstate New York. Growing our own food was an essential part to the health of our young family. Our children are with us every step of the way as we milk our cow, raise chickens, ducks, pigs, beef, and grow the garden.
Our main goal and focus with Bear Trail Beef is to:
1.Bless families tasty, healthy, nutritious meat, in order to grow strong heathy families,
2. Provide access to homegrown food outside of the industrial food system.
Follow BearTrail Beef on Instagram to see what we are up on the farm! Or at Mohawkfarmer_Bear on The Beartarian Times.